Dandenong Day Nursery

Child Safe Statement of Commitment

Dandenong Day Nursery is committed to comply with the eleven Victorian Child Safe Standards to create a culture of child safety that reduces the opportunity for harm.


Our Child Safe Statement of Commitment applies to all employees, volunteers, work experience students, contractors, contract employees and Councillors.


Our commitment to the safety of children is based on our duty of care and responsibilities to children and always acting in the best interests of children.


The organisation is committed to the safety and well-being of children and, as such, is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation.


We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children.


Our commitment to the safety of children and families include a zero tolerance to racism.


We have zero tolerance of child abuse and are committed to actively contributing to a child safe Community where children are protected from all types of abuse.


Our organisation is committed to preventing child abuse by identifying risks early in order to try and remove or reduce these risks.


We have a legal and moral obligation to contact authorities when we are concerned about a child’s safety.


Our commitment will be enacted through the implementation and monitoring of the Child Safe Standards, as specified under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment (Child Safe Standards) Act 2015.

Our Commitment to Children

We are committed to ensuring children feel safe, empowered and are taken seriously if they raise concerns in relation to their safety and well-being. We value and support diversity, inclusion and equality. In acknowledgment of the particular vulnerabilities of these groups of children, and in accordance with the Child Safe Standards, we particularly support:

Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse

Dandenong Day Nursery Inc encourages the community to speak up when they are concerned about or suspect child abuse in any of our workplaces and is committed to responding to and reporting suspected child abuse. Staff and Management will support you through this process

Our Gallery

Making learning visible

We love to capture the learning that comes from children engaging in everyday experiences. The most amazing moments are captured when children are involved and interested in their own learning.

Reach out and Get in touch.

The Dandenong Day Nursery welcomes new families. Please call us for a tour or call us to discuss your child’s enrolment needs.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 7am to 6pm
Saturday – Sunday Closed

Talk to us

(03) 9792 1474

Acknowledgement to Country

Acknowledgement to Country

Dandenong Day Nursery would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land from the past, the present and future. Our mob is honoured to be sharing and learning on Bunurong land.

We would like to thank the nations first peoples for caring for this great land including our waterways and for sharing their knowledge of land, culture and truth.

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